Saturday, June 12, 2010

A Bracelet Job Spell

Recently, I asked your help to get a good job at Job Fair.  I am now ready to tell you about the working I was doing for myself. 

I used to make friendship bracelets as a kid.  Even though I haven't attempted to make one in close to ten years, I have always kept the craft box with multitudes of embroidery floss arranged by color.  I felt pulled to do something with them and to put some real effort into getting a job this year.

I lit some incense and a green candle (from the batch I made this winter).  Then, I chose the following colors:

Blue - for opportunity
Green - for the job that is right for me
Purple - for intuition
Yellow - for happiness and learning

Each time I picked up a strand I concentrated on it's meaning and recited a line:

Blue for opportunity, for lots of jobs that I can choose from
Green for the job that is right for me, that will make me happy and further my career
Purple for inspiration, so that I will know the job when I see it
Yellow for happiness and learning, for both myself and my students

I know it isn't exactly poetry, but it was effective for me.  Here is the finished product:

I tied the bracelet and placed in around the candle as it burned out, then wore the bracelet to the job fair. 


Siv said...

This is beautiful! I've been looking for some job type spellcraft myself, and I'm a huge fan of creating things to wear or take with you, to remind you of your work. Simply wonderful! I'll have to give it a try! Congrats on your job, as well!

Nar said...

What a great idea! I don't have the talent for such things, but if I did I would certainly make one. I need to get a new job for next year. It's too late for this year. Best wishes!

K(Banterings of a Basketcase) said...

so much like knotwork spells- creative!

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